Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Cooking isn't just putting the right ingredients together. It's a certain kind of madness -- twirling around the kitchen, chopping and sauteing and skewering and broiling and flash-frying. It's the marriage of sweet and savory, tart and mellow, crunchy and delicate...sometimes, even laughter and tears, whether from raw onions or a ruined meal.

It's also a certain kind of madness when you put more than one person in the kitchen at the same time.

We're not anti-feminists by any means. We are four young women, all in our early 20s, who have a desire to cook (and bake!), learn from recipes (as well as one another), grow closer as friends, and have a balanced life. We believe in the home-cooked meal, the comfort it brings, the flavors they yield, and the togetherness we've witnessed come from it.

We're all full-time employees, all in varying fields, and are devoted to our personal hobbies as well, but we've managed to find a new creative outlet and an awkward dancing routine: moving around a kitchen with limited counter space to make dinner for one another and our patient, taste-testing +1's weekly.

We're the warriors of Tuesday nights, the fast-thinkers, the nontraditional chefs. We're learning as we go, whether from the Internet, old-school cookbooks, each other, or from ourselves -- and we're so excited to have you be part of the journey with us.

sending you love by the forkful,
Iva &

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